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Classes: Text


Access all these classes from the comfort of your home.

Classes: Programs

Book Club

Daily, 6:25-7:25 pm; Tuesdays available

Reading a Book

This class practices kids' reading comprehension abilities. We use the reading website Raz-kids for books. Steps below. Ask presidents for Raz-kids plus Zoom account login information.

1. Log in to the True Love Zoom account and start the call. Share your screen and go to Raz-kids.

2. The book will read itself. Don't forget to share computer sound on Zoom.
3. The volunteer must ask each kid to read a question.
4. Next, ask for everyone's answers.
5. Repeat steps until all questions are complete.
6. Go back to the vocabulary list, on the last page of the book.
7. Have each kid read a word's definition and create a sentence with it.
8. Repeat until all words have been reviewed.

Art Class

Daily, time is flexible; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays available

Art Supplies

Kids release their creativity through art and practice their hand-eye coordination.

You may have kids do a craft through Zoom if they have the materials at home. However, that is usually not the case so instead:

1. Volunteer searches up step-by-step drawings on Google or Pinterest.

2. Kids complete drawing.

3. Volunteer gives suggestions or just talk about their piece.

4. Move on to the next drawing and repeat steps.


1 on 1 Classes

Time and days works around volunteer and the kid's schedules.

Web Design Portfolio

1 on 1 classes can cover any subject and all depends on what the volunteer, parents, and kid would like the class to be like. Such as, math, social skills, etc.

If you are interested, fill out the form above and Sabrina will connect you to a parent/kid that would like a 1 on 1 class.

Public Speaking Class / Toastmasters

Sundays, 10:30-11:00 am


Kids practice their presenting and public speaking skills every every week in a safe and encouraging environment. They also learn how to create powerpoints that displays their opinions effectively.

1. Follow the order selected from last week and see which kid's turn it is to present.
2. Make them co-host so they can share their screen and present their powerpoint.
3. Ask others for feedback of what they thought of the presentation.
4. Give your feedback: tell them what they did was good and what they should improve on next time.
5. Repeat the steps above until all kids have presented.
6. Ask the kids' for next week's topic ideas and the order (who would like to go first, second, third, last etc.)
7. End class and send the topic + order to groupchat with parents.

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